Pro Security Conference

Pro Security Conference

Pro Security Conference is an event about modern technologies in security systems. In addition to the business program, in a specially organized demo zone, conference visitors will also be able to get acquainted with the most modern products of the industry, ready to solve business problems.

Ajax equipment will be presented at our stand, you will be able to ask all your questions about the work of the Ajax security system, together with Ajax representatives we will answer all your questions and demonstrate the operation of the equipment

Pro Security Conference is:
  • a platform open for discussions and exchange of experience
  • lively atmosphere, networking and meetings "without ties"
  • practical cases and solutions to specific business problems
  • Sigur Real Talk - discussion of complex issues in a simple form

Attendance of the conference is free of charge, but by prior registration.

Date: 15.02. 2022
Minsk, Pobediteley Avenue, 20, Minsk Marriott Hotel.

Registration link: